Hello there.
Friday, October 31, 2008
I'm really sorry for all this.I'm really sorry.I just too caught up with my own stuff.I cant take care of myself and I cannot be there for you as well.I'm really sorry.I actually thought of going into a relationship with you but I really cant because theres too much things for me to handle now.ily so much but lets just keep things as they are okays?no more fights,no more arguements,no more bickering.i shall find time for you after all my problems and issues are settled.okays?im really sorry.
What happens here,stays here. 3:23 AM
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Tell me something I don't know.
I think its time I reflect on my actions and listen to what they have to say.
What happens here,stays here. 1:54 AM
Monday, October 27, 2008
But it's better if you do.
Well again another day stuck at home.I'm seriously getting homesick.And like how the typical malays would say it boring siak!Well i'm going to get a few things done today.First and foremost getting a haircut.I have no idea why but i just feel that theres a need to.Then i'm going to alter my school pants.Its about time btw.So,thats basically it.Going to download a few songs and by the way that girl from House Bunny is the hottest!

What happens here,stays here. 12:34 AM
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Please Start Growing Up,Go Do Something Useful For Once!
I'm So Pissed At A Certain Someone As That Person Is Not being Responsible as a Human Being!
Okay there!I don't want to elaborate!I'll get even pissed.
Well I already finished editing the pictures we took when we(me,zaki,sasha) lepak. Yes,lepak-ing is a regular activity that the 3 of us plus Ernie always do. Its already Day 3 of the holidays and ZOMG(!),its so boring!I can rot and rot and rot and rot and rot(HAHA!) like how Mrs Goh would say it.Tuesday marks the end of my boredom as I will be going back to school for 'O' Level Preparatory Programme.Chey!Budak tu lah seyyy!Well im lazy to type.I'll upload the pictures we took when we were lepaking!

Specially edited by Sasha! 

Oh and to all the Indians,Hindus,Tamils,Mr Tamil and Banglas in Singapore.Happy Deepavali tomorrow!Hah!:)
Labels: Happy Deepavali
What happens here,stays here. 5:02 AM
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Bend with me,sway with ease.
Looks like im not going out today.Urgh!Its so irritating to have plans cancelled at the last minute.This is a random post considering that i'm going out.Well,after writing this post,i'm gonna go find some new games for my PSP and start on a bit of my Holiday Assignment as well as start my 'O' Level revision.Byebye.:)
What happens here,stays here. 3:37 AM
Friday, October 24, 2008
Everyday I patiently wait.
I'm seriously bored to the max. Dad met with an accident at Yishun Avenue 1. I have no idea as to how his condition is and stuff like that. All I heard was that he was about to turn and he was moving too fast and that the car skidded and tebalik to the other side of the road.I don't know what to do sia.seriously.
Hmmm,thats all for now.Make this post random.
What happens here,stays here. 5:53 PM
Thursday, October 23, 2008
My Tears Dry on Their Own.
You say "I cared so much that's why this happened, but do you know?
No riggggggggggggggggggggggght."
As i've said before you dont share your problems to me thats why i dont know shit what's going on in your head!Everytime i ask you you will say nothing nothing lah.And what does that mean?Its like you hate me asking you if you okay.Its like you're always hiding something from me.You think that i dont care?well you're wrong.You have no clue whats going with my !@#$%^%$#@ life right now and you are saying this?I never reply your msg because i did'nt even get them!you say hat you believe me but the way you talked to me on the phone really sounded as if the type pf "yah right" tone and the feeling that "aiyah faster lah" mood.You know how it feels?I was hoping we could have a good last day of school together but heck no!you didnt even give a damn about me.no one knows my problems ,no one knows what i think, no one even cares about me. i keeps thinking every night if this year a miracle would happen as to if my birthday will be celebrated and stuff like that. i've never had the feeling of people,friends and close relatives sing a birthdya song for me before.NEVER!No i dont tht we fight whatever thing to happen but if this keeps continueing,it might happen naturally.
What happens here,stays here. 8:34 PM
it feels like putting a sword through my throat.
i really don't know whats going on with life now.I cry every night thinking that i'm the only one whos cares about the family.Friends is another thing.I dont know what to do lah seriously.
To S,who know who you are,i'm extremely upset at the way you're treating me.it just seems like as if everything i say is wrong.So im not sure,am i just supposed to shut up?You say that i'm ignoring you,are you damn sure?GOD!Its so irritating that it always happen and it always seems like its my fault when it was'nt.When i say the truth you say its such a good excuse.So how am i supposed to say the truth?By lieing?Im confused as to whats happening within us.I really am.
No Mood lah today.
Gonna end it here.
I'll be going back to school later.
To settle some stuff.
Maybe meeting Zaki(not confirmed).
I want to talk to him.
No one is a good listening end nowadays except him.

Labels: i dont know hwtas gonna happen
What happens here,stays here. 7:51 PM
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I just called to say i love you.
Well today the school organised some stupid Amazing race at Changi.
Probably to find some bapok there or something but whatever it was i dod'nt go but stayed in school instead because i had to take of this thing that was happening in school known as SembXperience where the Primary 6 students would go to our school & take a 'tour' or something like that.I was in charge of Humanities along with Bryan,Rakesh,Hanna,RuiLin,Zaki and Wen Jun.We ran into some issues with the rude primary school students(?!)and stuff but everything was okay.But again let me emphasize on the word RUDE.Tired,who was'nt.
Went to watch Max Payne with Bryan,Wen Jun,Rakesh,Yusoff,Yunos and Shaz after school.
The show is a total disappointment.4 thumbs(plus toes) down. Seriiously,the show did'nt make sense at all. I want my 1 hours and 40 minutes of my life back.Hah.But what the heck,lesson learned was that even if the trailer was nice,the show sucks.So take my word for it.
I'm really looking forward to 2009.Promoting is already and accomplishment for anyone in 3E2.So,yeah.which reminds me of something.
To S,I'm extremely proud of you and of you promoting despite missing mid-year and stuff.I'm extremely proud of you.And,thanks for being pruod of me as well.
To Z,Congrats on promoting as well.finally yeah?Hah.
well this post is getting too wordy. Gonna wrap it up here.
Till the next post aliens.
What happens here,stays here. 4:52 AM
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
4E2 09!
fuh!results were out today. Some of us already knew that some were going to retain but,nevermind. Well i got the shock of my life at exactly 8.47 am.Yunos called me during English(!?) saying I was 2nd in class and that I needed to report to the parade square.Ape lagi, excited giler babi argg. Well,then Mr Gwee told me that even if you get 1st in class you can still retain. Potong steam lah that teacher. Lol. i finally got my report book and found out my results.
I had 1 A1, 1 A2, 4 B3,and 1 C5.
My L1R4 was 14 and my L1R5 was 17.
Kimak biggest moment of my life sak!
But I was seriously sedih that Yao Wen was going to retain.
Fcuk lah! Well steam, you still have us so dont worry alright?
Urgh. Thats one thing on my mind now.
Another thing was that my family status now is extremely bad.
i dont know whats gonna happen already.
Just letting thing come by naturally.
Don't want to talk about it.
What happens here,stays here. 5:36 AM
Saturday, October 18, 2008
heres the pictures


What happens here,stays here. 6:06 PM
i'm no superman.
well i'm still shagged by yesterdays jalan rayer.reached home at 1 am in the morning.tiring,you bet.urgg.i'm too tired to elaborate any furthur.i'll put everything thats on my mind in the next post okay?
i'll upload the pics in another post alrighty?
What happens here,stays here. 4:43 AM
Thursday, October 16, 2008
if it even means something,im sorry.
will be going for jalan raye with the Sembawang Sec peeps today.o it doesnt scre up like the last time.well lst minute trouble between 2 people just rose up just now.well the story was that haikal had told shazreen,his good friend,to go to his house to clean his house up.but which idiot will one to do that right?well maybe,just maybe,shazreen doesnt want to go jalan rayer because of that.bad move haikal,bad move.well now sasha isnt realy talking to me as of late & i am still clueless as to why.2008 really seems to be a bad year for everyone,agree?friendshipending at the ending point point of the secondary school life,relationship breakup and hypocrite-icism.no matter what we lways have to look on the bright sided and just moce on with life.i too hd the thought of quitting but it just seems extremely had to achieve.slowly i guess.
well,im stil confused as to what colour i should wear though.
confused between blue and black.
urgh,dilemma.well whatever it is,i feel that it'll be fun today despite the foul moods.will upload the pics later in the day alrighty?
What happens here,stays here. 9:53 PM
dancing in the moonlight.
school seriously sucked today.lazy to elaborate.
urgh,this are the words thats going through everyone's head in 3E2.the very fact that 21 of us didnt make the 50% pass just sends chills down our spines.To retain,who the hell wants that?To be demoted,i'd rather retain than spend another year in sembawang secondary.To be promoted,oh how i wished that would happen to me.i swear if i was to be promoted,i will cry i tell you.tomorrow will be the day where old aunties and uncles with our fates will be deliberating to see if we retain,promote or get demoted.urgh,worry after worry.
N,i really pity you.now,nothing can be done already.please to go to you know where.i will seriously miss you if you do.i cried quietly nd alone when i found out you only passed 2 subjects.i really did.if only you knew.please dont leave me.
just a quick update on my SA2 results then.
English-58 (C5)
E Maths-67.7 (B3)
Mother Tongue-70(A2)Combined Science-60(B4)
Combined Humanities-71(A2)
seriously speaking,my results are kind of fucked up.
and my holidays would be seriously packed.
3 Express will have to attend O Level Preparatory for 2 weeks which will last from 28 Oct to 7 Nov.Then,i will be going to Bali for Art Talent Group from 10 Oct to 14 Oct.
After that,i will have to attend my Art Elective Module(AEM) from 17 Nov to 28 Nov.
that's like one whole month packed of activities.
looks like theres not gonna be going out for me for one month.
After that,sweet 15 bebeh!
baik kape!haha.baru nak buat ic by then.haha.
Hari Raya wasnt as fun as i expected.Dad feel ill and we didnt go out that much due to that but we still did though.heres one or two pics.phm2 lah kan knape sikit.;)
consider this the rebirth of my blog.
Labels: demoted, promoted, retain
What happens here,stays here. 3:20 AM