Hello there.
Sunday, November 30, 2008

Hot But Not Cold.
Hi,again.These Are The Pictures from my 'fundamentals of digital photography' course.
And the ones with grey backgrounds are photoshoots:)!
What happens here,stays here. 9:04 PM
I'm Back And Better Than Ever,I Think.
Its been weeks since my last post.
Okay So Family Picnic Day Was Nice.
Many of Us Were There.
I Didnt Take Photos Cause I Was Too Occupied With Cycling,Frisbee-ing And Soccer-ing.
They Celebrated my Birthday Also.
Baik Perrr.
Gerek Siows!
Thats all.
This Post Sounds too corny.
&& rufisha Is A Bigger Losah Than Me!
Neh ni neh ni pu pu!
What happens here,stays here. 5:39 PM
Saturday, November 29, 2008
I'm BAck From Hiatus And Boy A Lot Of Things Has Happened.
Both Good And Bad.
Lets Start WIth The Photoshoot.
Holy Shits That Was Fun.
My Individual Shoot Can Be Seen Under Profile So Jyeah Check It Out.
After All This Typing I'm Effing Tired So I'll Just Update On Monday Since Tomorrow Will Be Big Family Picnic Day So Jyeah.
I'll update On Monday.
Remember To Tag Bananas;)
What happens here,stays here. 1:52 AM
Saturday, November 22, 2008
What happens here,stays here. 6:57 PM
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Change?Hell No!
I'm Back And yes Im Tired!
Well I'll Update A Proper One Soon Enough.
I'm A Jerk Yeah.
What happens here,stays here. 7:21 PM
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Heartbreaker.Aloha.Haha.Feels like t=its been along time since i last blogged.freaking busy wth the chalet and stuff so yeah now i'm updating on my recent happenings.Well Chalet is in a mess now but bah whatever.
I know things are not workin out for us as of late but just wanted you to know that im trying my very best to keep thing easy between us.So yeah.
And seriously,i have been effing busy with everything.
So Yeah.
&& I'm Not Gonna Return The Camera The School Gave me.
Neh Neh Pu Pu.
What happens here,stays here. 1:45 AM
Monday, November 10, 2008
Like Whoa.
Im trying Out a New Blogskin.
Trying Out Only.
emaths tomorrow.
Will update a proper one soon.
What happens here,stays here. 9:06 PM
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Too little too late.
Well,hers an update.Bali trip has been cancelled due to the dumb JI Bombing thing ALTHOUGH the people dah kene kill.LOL.So the next thing is the chalet.Last minute problems arise and bla bla bla and we are gonna settle it today.
I've been playing with the cam the school gave and im not returning it till next year.Muahahahaha!
So heres some photos.

What happens here,stays here. 6:28 PM
Thursday, November 6, 2008

Photo of the day!
The first picture is the photo of the day!YAY!You can view it under the photo album bar.Everyday i'll be putting new pictures of me,my friends and a whole lot of other stuff.Just practicing for my Bali trip from 10-14!Excited bodoh!Haha!Currently,lifes a mess with a whole lot of problems and shit.So yeah,im trying to hang loose here.Not gonna elaborate much.:)Paham-paham jek ehk.At least i updated sia.
As you can see Zaki is a very close friend of mine who helps me a lot and give me advice on life and also teaches me on how to survive the outside whole.He is like my personal guardian angel,always there to help me along the way.All his good deeds caannot be repayed and fro that i really appreciate Zaki.Haha.When he told ehem-ehem on the phone that i was his bestfriend is was really touch despite me bieng angry at that time.He Is MY Bestfriend too.As a mater of fact,i treat him as my brother.:)
What happens here,stays here. 3:17 AM
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Labels: Everything will change forever
What happens here,stays here. 5:42 AM
Monday, November 3, 2008
Its been awhile but things are picking up again.Finally.
My holidays are jam packed and i still find it a bore!ZOMG(?!).
This friday marks the end of the O Level Prep and that will be the last time I see my friends before our*tooooooooooooooooooot*.Opps!Kena cut off.Awaumak!That wil be the line that i'll dearly miss during our absence.Next week i'll be headed for Bali from 10-14 will my dear Sashabelly(lol!).Super Psyched about the trip but guess what,Green is not allowed.WTH!Guess i cant bring my green shirts,3 quarters,shutters,cap,wax(?!),unders,slippers,shoes etcetera etcetera.This is a random post and the project for Combined Humanities is going great.
Boys having some soccer tournament this coming friday at the padang.GoBoysGo!I might not be there cos i have to pack.What the Hellllllll as ______ would say it.:)
It has been a long time since w last lepak.Haix.Miss those days.
What happens here,stays here. 6:46 AM