School was a blast,excluding the part where there was 3 consecutive talks and the part where recess was messy.Haha.The thing that made the day was that circle time that we played during FT time and there's this weird girl,Kai Ling.She's a former student who decided to sit for her 'O's again.Exam Blues kaper?So,looking forward to be friends with her although she is older than us(kinda weird huh?):)Well,better start studying for that algebra test on Thursday.Dont want to fail and get demoted into Coke light(its a system for E maths where the good ones go to Coke,The average ones go to Coke Light and the can-do-it,needs-more-hardwork ones go to Coke Zero).Hee!But in the end,we are all smart(duh,if not we wont be in express)just that each of us have our own pace to learn.Well POST IS GETTING WORDY!Goodbye.;)