Hello there.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
A2 BABY!Thats right.I got an A2 for my Mother Tongue O Levels.Its definitely a boost for a start of my Prelims and O's.I have nothing mush to type about as I'm currently not in the modd because of a group of people.Its personal and don't worry my friends,its not a bout you.
Okay,I won't be updating regularly.So its only until here.Goodbye.
What happens here,stays here. 1:48 AM
Friday, August 7, 2009

Here are just some of the National Day photos that I didnt upload.All the other photos are on Facebook.
I just realised that I missed out a part of my post in the previous entry that was-SHOPPING!Yes,I went shopping with Z at Tampines 1 just for National Day.I bought my slim fit shorts from Messy Industries while Z bought two basic buttoned tees from TOPMAN for $29.Heck it was tempting but I made sure that I will buy that damn bag that only cost $73 at TOPMAN!CURSE YOU RECESSION!
Whatever.I am definitely getting myself that bag no matter what it takes.I'll even save up my money.Speaking of saving up,fasting month is just around the corner.Around 2 weeks or so?Haiz,guess I have to start preparing myself for it and lets just say that this year,I'm gonna fast for one whole month.Unlike the previous years.Soooo,let the starving for a good cause begin and then,money time!HARI RAYA!But we'll be having Prelims by then but you know what I say?Fcuk it.Cause, Prelims or not,Hari Raya is still Hari Raya.:)
What happens here,stays here. 10:48 PM
Red and white for us,Black and blue for you
Okay maybe its a bit too early for that but who cares.Its only in 2 days time.Okay the actual fact I'm updating is cos my keyboard's okay-ed plus there's a few story(s) to share.Lets start.
Alright,school National Day 'Celebration'.Okay as you can see,I put the '' on the word celebration because there was'nt one!wtf!All we were to do was dress up in red white but still with strict rules applied such as no wearing three-quarters or it would be as if you were at the beach and no spraying of your hair as you wouldnt be able to concentrate.That part was complete rubbish.Okay,so obviously,not missing out on an opportunity,I dressed up maut-maut punya.Instead of wearing white,I wore cream coloured shirt and got effed by everyone and blue and white striped slim fit shorts and again got effed by everyone.Hahaha.I seriously looked erm,handsome?Hahahaahhaha!Shiok sendiri ah.Mdm Faridah kept calling me boy-boy while some others called me Mr Zaf's son as they said Mr Zad wore the exact same thing as me.Hah!Oh well.That was on Thursday.
As for today,Semvawang Sec held their inaugural Sports Fiesta shit.Whatever the cause was,I dont care.I decided to participate in floorball and we lost,HAHAHAHAHA!Kimak,tired sia.Cannot blame my team cos everyone played soccer like crazy yesterday.In the midst of my floorball match,Rad heard some Academic asshole calling us Express pupils stupid.I choose not to name him as then he will be an even biger asshole.Well,I obviously don't look down on people's academic statis as I think that everyone can be smart but its just up to them to prove that they are but in this sad world,a minority,like the guy mentioned on top(lets just call him x yes?),make people like me change my mindset for a while. X thinks that he's sooooo smart by calling us stupid when his studies,lets just say,C.M.I(cannot make it).Hah!Please lah x.We are taking 'O' unlike YOU,so take a huge mirror and take a good look at yourself.Don't act smart when obviously you're not,mat wannabe.Just trying too hard.For what I know,you just pissed the hell out of us Express pupils.While you're at it,why not solve the problem about your face?HAH!And to those who feel insulted by this in anyway,don't, cause the person that I'm mentioning about doesn't read blogs,I'm pretty darn sure.Blogs,mat wannabes like him,not their cup of tea.
Okay,enough about that asshole and lets just end off this post with pictures taken during National Day.
(I'll upload the pics some other time.Comp is like shit)
What happens here,stays here. 6:42 AM